Why do Short Sales?

Hi, my name is Lou Brown. I've been at the game of profitably Buying, Selling and Holding property for over thirty years.

Big deal, you say what about me? Well in that time I've learned an important skill - Survival. I found out if you could survive you can win. So I learned to really watch the markets and forecast based on my many years of prior experience.

What I started to see shocked me. You see, I predicted the economic upheaval long before it came down. I positioned myself and my licensees (I have them in all 50 states!) to gain some new skills to really prosper during these bad times... and they are!

One of the skills I honed and developed is so powerful and so profitable it dwarfs many others. I know you want to know more, but first I want you to understand this is actually a great economy. What I am about to show you and teach you will make money while your relatives and agent friends' wonder why you are smiling?

Don't you understand?  Everyone else is Gloom and Doom! Don't you know you are supposed to be that way too? Not me and for good reason.

The often attempted but little understood technique that kills in any market is revolutionary. It gives lenders a chance to unload property before they end up owning it.

But wait you say... isn't that OK with them? That is a belief many hold but the truth is the banks are in the finance business, not the house business. They have no interest in tenants, toilets and troubles. They like nice people to write checks and send them in. That's their game. They don't want to paint, clean, or mow. They don't want to hunt for tenants, manage deposits and collect rent. They don't have a department for that.

Not only do they not want to own it, they don't want to liquidate it either. Realtors, risk, delay, lack of access to well needed funds, legal fees, repairs and more are the concern. They don't want this either. They want out as soon as they can.

So if and when they get a chance to cut their losses, they DO! They are well aware of the expense they will face on a foreclosure so that is the last thing they want to have happen.

They know this and even market to their borrowers sending letters asking them to call and make a deal. They even call them and say "Look, if you'll just find a buyer maybe we'll take less than we are owed for this mortgage."

Now wouldn't it be great if you knew exactly how low the banks will go and how to get them to do it?

That's what you need to know. I will show and teach you more but the truth is that it all is meaningless without the right tools to get them to act.

You see the bank won't just give a discount for the asking. They have to justify the discount. I found out that if I presented my offer one way, I get nowhere but if I present it in a different way they will take it in a snap.

Now when you are talking about serious money then this is really important to know. On one property we were able to earn over $150,000!!! I think that worked out to about $10,000 per hour for the time it took to do it.

Gee, is that more than you are making now? If not then stop reading and keep doing what you are doing. No need for you to learn something new. But if you are not making serious money then I suggest you keep reading. This technique will make you a fortune if you'll apply it in the way I teach you to do it.

Many of my licensees have gotten the banks to take up to a 98% discount on what they are owed!! That's right in some cases they will practically wipe out the loan!! The key is having the right road map to follow. Without it you'll waste a lot of time and lose a lot of money wasting valuable leads from people who need your help.

That's another important point. The way I've designed my business is to help people when we buy and help people when we sell. Imagine that your customers love you and appreciate what you do for them. That's what we want when we show folks how we can help.

So this process is called Short Sales. The bank short sells what they are owed. I call my process Short Sale Profits!

Not only do you need the training on the process but you need the paperwork too. In fact the paperwork is what I call fail point. You need to understand all your fail points and plan in advance not to have those happen.

Here's what's true. The bank can make a quick decision if they have all the facts and details in front of them. Without it they have no reason to discount. In my step-by-step system I provide you every document you will need.

But I don't stop there. Wouldn't it be great if you could put all the facts on one page, click once then all your documents were automatically filled out! Ready to print and fax or overnight to the bank!! How does that sound? Yes, it's true that I've made this so brain-dead simple that any beginner can get it, understand it quickly and get serious profit within 30 days.

In fact I've had numerous clients tell me they faxed my package to the bank and got an acceptance WITHIN HOURS!!!

Now please understand that what I am sharing with you are the insider secrets WE USE in my office to routinely get $10,000 to $200,000 discounts... even more! Heck we were doing this when the housing market was booming! Just imagine what it's like today. More importantly the road has already been paved for you.

There are so many mortgages in default today on properties that are work FAR LESS than what is owed the banks WANT to work with you. But THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!! Presented one way is a slight discount. Presented another way is a huge discount!! That's the key.

Sure you can go it alone and try it yourself, but it's likely you'll waste a lot of time and not end up doing the deal. I want you to make money... serious money and live the life you dream of for you and your family. But without the right tools and training honestly you are wasting your time.

So let me take you under my wing. Let me teach you the right way to do this. Let me give you the right package to present. Let me give it to you digitally so if you can click a mouse you can create your carefully designed and many times tested package to convince the lender to give you the discount you want so you can either keep it or sell it for serious money.

Oh and before you think this will cost you an arm and a leg, I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me. So I want to offer you the incredible new customer great deal discounted short sale price of only $399!!

Yes its true most short sale courses sell for many times this price but I want you to see just how good my stuff is. Once you see it and experience it I know you'll want to know and learn more from me.

But I'm not going to stop there. I spend at least one hour every two weeks with my coaching clients. Prior to this group training I invite you to submit deals, questions and challenges via email (or you can fax them) then, to make the time absolutely jam-packed with information, I read the question and give the answer in a way so you'll understand it. That's one of the things my clients love so much about me. I teach so you'll understand and know exactly what to do. Not some theoretical answer, but real life info you'll be able to use right away. So I'll include 4 hours FREE as a bonus. Fresh new sessions you will be able to personally participate in. Your questions, your deals!

But I won't stop there either. For the next 25 buyers I'll also include a disk chock full of 12 previous recordings of these great up-to-the-minute timely sessions to get you jump started to success.

But I won't stop here either. Four times per year I give a live training called Millionaire Jump Start. It's loaded with valuable training and a special manual so we can design your business plan together. I teach my live version of Short Sale training and teach you how to raise private money for your deals without banks at 6% and no points! Don't you want to learn that? You better believe it. So for the next 25 buyers of the Short Sale Profits! System I'm going to include a special scholarship grant so you'll get the right training to catapult your business into 7 figure profits!

Oh, and at these events you'll actually meet real people who really have already achieved that success. They treat my training events as continuing education and come back often. Why? Because it has made many of them Millionaires in less than one year. You'll love them and will see how easily you can do it too. Really great info, really great people and a really great system.

So let's do this now... click here to have your course shipped right away. Everything you need to do this right the first time. That's the...

1) Short Sale Profits guidebook of filled in and blank forms with a deal you can follow from start to finish.

2) The digital version forms disc of the package you'll send to the lender designed to get the discount.

3) The digital short sale forms auto-fill version which allows you to fill in the details on one page, click and automatically fill out all the paperwork at once.

4) Auto-fill digital version of the HUD closing statement (net sheet) required by most lenders with the submission of your short sale.

5) Two audio CDs of my live training outlining what and how Short Sales work and how to approach the bank so they'll listen to you and say yes to your offer.

6) Access to 4 coaching sessions where you'll be invited to submit your offers, questions and challenges to be answer by me... a 30+ year veteran and survivor of many market changes who can teach you the right way to make money in this market.

7) A Scholarship grant to my two-day Millionaire Jump Start training on the date and location of your choice (these are held throughout the country) but I encourage you to come to the very next one where we'll design your personal business plan, teach you live about Short Sales, borrowing money at 6% and so much more!!

8) Partnership opportunity. It's completely your choice... I'll even partner with you on a deal if you want. You'll have the package and if you want to partner with us to hold your hand we'll walk you through step-by-step and have you participate in the entire process. What could be better? Your package will give you details to send you to our partnership website which gives more details.

9) Funding for your deal. If you want funding we may be able to help there too. Many of our clients use us to fund their cash deals so you won't have to worry about that either. Partnering and Funding with us is completely your choice. I'm giving you everything you need in the system to do it yourself if you choose (of course normal fees apply).

(Sorry but these last two offers do not apply to people who do not own this system. I've found it's just too much trouble to grow them up and they have no idea how we do things.)

There you have it. I'm giving you some of my very best secrets to make real money FAST. It's time to CLICK HERE and get this for the introductory online price of only $399. I'll promise to hold this price until my printing is sold out then I'll likely raise it to $899. So get it now while the price is great and with all the other bonuses worth well over $2,900!

What this course is not:

This is not a full treatise on real estate investing... I cover that in my general training.

This does not teach how to market for leads... I do that in my general training and at Millionaire Jump Start.

This does not teach you all the exit strategies... I teach that in our Street Smart Selling and Holding system.

This does not teach you all the details on how to raise private money... we'll do that at Millionaire Jump Start.

This training is specific and designed not to confuse you with all the other details of real estate.

It's time now to get going making money now with this aspect.

When you are ready I'll grow you up to all the rest... which is great as I reveal and share with you all the unique profits and profit centers built into our real estate business.

Hey, if I have successful licensees in all 50 states and 14 foreign countries its gotta work for you too!!! Will you be the next member of my Millionaires Club? I hope so!

To Your Profits!

P.S. Remember to act now. Once this shipment is sold out at this bargain price I'm increasing the price and decreasing the bonuses... don't be left out.


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